Preset system¶
Blender does support advanced presets system right out of the box. The api take care of serialisation and unserialisation. Archipack does extend this api to provide thumbs and on screen seekable menu.
There are two kind of presets¶
- Factory stored under /addon/presets/
- User defined, stored under /user profile/presets/
Techically they are the same, but factory’s one are shipped with addon where user defined one will be stored on user prefs directory.
In order to make objects “preset aware” one need 2 operators.
- Preset menu Operator
- Save / destroy preset Operator
Save / Destroy preset operator¶
This operator does take care of rendering thumbs on save.
- MUST inherit from ArchipackPreset
- You may add properties you dont want to save in presets in blacklist, HIDDEN and SKIP_SAVE property are ignored by default.
- preset_menu MUST match menu preset operator class name.
Implementation sample¶
class ARCHIPACK_OT_fence_preset(ArchipackPreset, Operator):
"""Add a Fence Preset"""
bl_idname = "archipack.fence_preset"
bl_label = "Add Fence Preset"
preset_menu = "ARCHIPACK_OT_fence_preset_menu"
def blacklist(self):
# Blacklist property you want store by name
return ['n_parts', 'parts', 'manipulators', 'user_defined_path']
Call from object panel¶
Implementation sample¶
row = box.row(align=True)
row.operator("archipack.fence_preset_menu", text=bpy.types.ARCHIPACK_OT_fence_preset.bl_label)
row.operator("archipack.fence_preset", text="", icon='ZOOMIN')
row.operator("archipack.fence_preset", text="", icon='ZOOMOUT').remove_active = True
Create Operator¶
- MUST Inherits from ArchipackCreateTool to handle filename input
- MUST call load_preset method.
Implementation sample¶
class ARCHIPACK_OT_fence(ArchipackCreateTool, Operator):
bl_idname = "archipack.fence"
bl_label = "Fence"
bl_description = "Fence"
bl_category = 'Archipack'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def create(self, context):
m ="Fence")
o ="Fence", m)
d = m.archipack_fence.add() = True = o